Wah2. Bangun pagi ni gumbira la jugak sbb dah masuk new year. Perasaan bercampur-baur sbb dah makin dekat nak balik Welly. wargh!!! rasa cam x mo balik je. Nak duduk rumah, x nak tinggal member2 d Malaysia...adess..Sangatlah negatif perasaan ini. Aish~ Pastu perut cam de butterflies. X tau kenapa. Mungkin sbb Isnin ni kerja balik d koop. Adeh la...bosan...Another thing mungkin sbb tgk HoMin new album cover and JYJ album [Music Essay: Their room (our story)] akan kuar...Berdebar2 tunggu...rasa cam nak kawen lak.haha (macam la ada pengalaman). kui3X. Dan tetiba rasa hot sket sbb internet punya la slow cam siput. Blog x leh bukak2. Jadi terpaksa taip dulu dalam word sblum transfer ke blog yg still smpai skrg x leh bukak. grrrrr.
Pastu teringat peristiwa semalam pulak dan hepi la sket. haha. Ak derma darah d Village Mall, Sungai Petani dan BERJAYA. haha.
(FYI: derma darah ni cam obsession sket utk ak dan kwn2 ak. )
Sblum derma tu, jantung cam *doki*doki*...sangat lah nervous. Takut kena reject n nanti frust menonggeng. Haha. Cam putus cinta lak kan?haha. Pastu check darah dan wallah! Boleh! Berjaya! Weheee!!!! Pastu nurse tu comment on hemoglobin ak. Sila lihat conversation dialog d bwh:
Nurse: Wah! Tingginya hemoglobin awak! (dan pandang ak dengan perasaan yang kagum)
Aku: Huh? Hemoglobin tinggi? Maksudnya? (blur sket)
Nurse: Tengok ni (dan tunjuk kat ak keputusan darah ak). Selalunya perempuan dalam 12 hingga 13. Yang tu kira okay la. Awak pulak 15. Ni standard budak lelaki tau. Tinggi betul ni.
Aku: Ya ka? (rasa bangga sket wpun still x faham apakah pentingnya hemoglobin tinggi pada darah)
Nurse: (explain lagi) Kalau hemoglobin tinggi, maknanya darah awak sangat baik. Darah bagus ni. Selalunya budak lelaki je yang tinggi macam ni.
Hema (member aku): Ain, ko ni budak lelaki ke? (sambil gelak)
Haha...best2. Bangga gle masa 2. Rasa cam leh dapat award. wakaka. Ak sblum ni x pernah amek pot pun hemoglobin ak tinggi ke x. Ak rasa tiap2 kali ak derma darah, mmg hemoglobin ak 15. Tapi x pernah pun ada nurse yang comment on that. Hoho. Sangat happy masa nurse 2 ckp darah ak elok. Wakaka.
Derma darah 2 ada dua tujuan. Satu of course kerana Dia. Satu g sbb TVXQ ada wat project. Blood donation project. Saja ja participate. Killing 2 birds with one stone. Okay pe. hehe. For A'an. Good luck utk derma nanti.
Pas 2 tgk Gulliver's Travel dgn Hema, my sis n her lil brother. Review cerita dia? Nanti ak post dalam entry lain.
Masa balik ingat nak beli turtle sekor utk new year sbb lama dah nak beli. Dulu ada gak beli turtle dan bela for 2 years sblum dia mati atas kecuaian ak. T r ak cerita. Pas 2 dalam kereta dah siap imagine nak bagi nama apa kat dia. Antara nama pilihan adalah: 31st (sbb beli on 31st Dec), Eve (sbb new year's eve) atau December. Punya la berangan kan? haha. Tapi malangnya, ak lupa yang on Friday, kedai x bukak d area rumah ak. Adeh la...frust beb...huhu.Tpi x kira. T nak beli jugak sekor. Wpun pas 2 kena tinggal dia d umah sbb x leh bwk p NZ. Terpaksalah soh adik ak jaga dia... (2 la...masa balik dulu2 x mo nak beli, dah nak balik sana baru nak beli sgt2). Huhu.
Friday, December 31, 2010
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Teringat Dulu-dulu: Belajar Naik Kereta
2 post dalam sehari. Saja ja. Sbnrnya tadi ak cuba ajar adik ak memandu. owh. sebelum 2.
Amaran: Jangan ditiru perbuatan ini. Merbahaya. Anda dinasihatkan menggunakan orang profesional untuk perkara ini.
Haha. Adess. Tadi saja ja nak ajar adik ak memandu sbb dia nanti nak ambil lesen, jadi sekurang2nya nak la dia boleh jugak memandu sket. Jadi bwk la dia ke tempat parking d Gunung Jerai sbb slalunya tempat 2 agak kosong. X byk kenderaan. Tapi malangnya, bila ak pergi sana, tiba2 kenderaan berpusu2 masuk.
Ak rasa ak ni bwk ramai org r. Masa ak nak masuk 2 kosong je tempat 2. Tapi bila adik ak nak mula memandu, kereta gla byk masuk. Dah 2, ikut rapat dan asyik honk. Geram tol. Sakit jiwa je. Mentang2 la 4 wheels drive (byk 4 wheel masa adik ak nak bwk kereta), jadi asyik nak follow dekat je. Adess.Geram2. Pas 2 adik ak pe g. Gelabah r. Nak nangis pun de. Ak pun jadi kesian.
Ak ingat g masa ak mula2 belajar memandu. Gla panik kot. Dah r ak x rela belajar sbb dipaksa belajar oleh mak ak, pas 2 mmg penakut gle dengan stereng (dulu2 r). Ak senyum je masa pengajar 2 tegur dan soh ak gerakkan kereta, padahal rasa cam nak nangis dah. haha. Adess.
X reti nak gerakkan stereng cepat2. X reti nak balance minyak. Benci gle dulu. Jadi ak faham perasaan adik ak. Orang2 d sekitar parking lot 2 lak (pakcik2) pandang je ak dan adik ak. Pas 2 sorang pakcik 2 tegur. Katanya x leh guna gear satu masa mengajar sbb t laju sangat, guna gear 2. Ntah r, x try g sbb adik ak dah freak out dah sbb kereta honk and all. Cian kat adik ak.
X pe r. T belajar g. Lama2 ok r 2. hehe... Pengalaman...
2 post dalam sehari. Saja ja. Sbnrnya tadi ak cuba ajar adik ak memandu. owh. sebelum 2.
Amaran: Jangan ditiru perbuatan ini. Merbahaya. Anda dinasihatkan menggunakan orang profesional untuk perkara ini.
Haha. Adess. Tadi saja ja nak ajar adik ak memandu sbb dia nanti nak ambil lesen, jadi sekurang2nya nak la dia boleh jugak memandu sket. Jadi bwk la dia ke tempat parking d Gunung Jerai sbb slalunya tempat 2 agak kosong. X byk kenderaan. Tapi malangnya, bila ak pergi sana, tiba2 kenderaan berpusu2 masuk.
Ak rasa ak ni bwk ramai org r. Masa ak nak masuk 2 kosong je tempat 2. Tapi bila adik ak nak mula memandu, kereta gla byk masuk. Dah 2, ikut rapat dan asyik honk. Geram tol. Sakit jiwa je. Mentang2 la 4 wheels drive (byk 4 wheel masa adik ak nak bwk kereta), jadi asyik nak follow dekat je. Adess.Geram2. Pas 2 adik ak pe g. Gelabah r. Nak nangis pun de. Ak pun jadi kesian.
Ak ingat g masa ak mula2 belajar memandu. Gla panik kot. Dah r ak x rela belajar sbb dipaksa belajar oleh mak ak, pas 2 mmg penakut gle dengan stereng (dulu2 r). Ak senyum je masa pengajar 2 tegur dan soh ak gerakkan kereta, padahal rasa cam nak nangis dah. haha. Adess.
X reti nak gerakkan stereng cepat2. X reti nak balance minyak. Benci gle dulu. Jadi ak faham perasaan adik ak. Orang2 d sekitar parking lot 2 lak (pakcik2) pandang je ak dan adik ak. Pas 2 sorang pakcik 2 tegur. Katanya x leh guna gear satu masa mengajar sbb t laju sangat, guna gear 2. Ntah r, x try g sbb adik ak dah freak out dah sbb kereta honk and all. Cian kat adik ak.
X pe r. T belajar g. Lama2 ok r 2. hehe... Pengalaman...
Hantu Mak Limah Balik Kampung: The Verdict
Okay. Baru je balik dari cinema tengok cerita ni dengan adik ak dan member ak. (Thanks Freezy sbb belanja...hehe.iA t ak blanja balik). Sbnrnya nak tgk Gulliver's Travel tp masa g ke Village Mall ak x ske sbb cermin mata 3D dia gedabak gla. Malas nak tgk. Pas 2 gerak r masuk town g Central Square. Movie x banyak. Pas 2 nampak r cerita ni. Ak mmg dah lama nak tgk sbb cerita cam gempak kan. Masuk panngung x smpai 4 hari (masa dia baru release) dan dapat kutipan dekat setengah juta. Jadi mmg hebat r kan cerita Malaysia cam 2 nya kutipan. Ak nak tgk gak cerita ni sbb cerita dari Mamat Khalid (pengarah) x de r mengarut sangat. Dia byk guna sarcasm dan perli orang dalam cerita dia (Zombie Kampung Pisang). Jadi itu adalah antara sebab kenapa ak nak tgk cerita ni.
Orang punya la ramai nak tgk cerita ni. Gle ramai r. Sesak panggung. Tapi...ak rasa cerita kali ni kureng r. Maksud ak, Zombie Kampung Pisang mmg lawak dan sangatlah sarcastic. Tapi cerita ni macam kurang umph sket. Bila dah smpai setengah cerita, ak dah mengantuk teramat. Tapi ada jugak lah part cerita yang cam seram sket. Lagi seram dari trailer cerita Khurafat 2. 2 yang pelik. Padahal dia cerita komedi yang agak2 seram. Tapi ada scene yang lebih seram dari cerita seram. haha. Adess...
Jadi rating ak:
Mengambil balik kata2 dari movie ni:
Jangan asyik salahkan director je, salahkan lah jugak penulis skrip.
True. Maybe it is true. Cerita ni boleh diperbaiki dalam pelbagai cara lagi. Tapi Mamat Khalid, bravo. Idea yang menarik.
Friday, December 17, 2010
Hunky (old) Dudes?
Hunky guys are kinda hard to find. I mean, in my POV, hunky guys should have just-enough muscle on his body, not too big, not too small, not like Arnold-difficult-to-spell or skinny like the lead vocalist of Click Five (although he is kinda cute). Hunky guy's body should be just perfect; toned arms, broad chest and most importantly, not wearing skinny jeans (gosh, I hate men with skinny jeans but with exception if he looks totally hot in one =P). His face? Well I like to think that hunky dudes have this almost-cute-face, but not too Justin Bieber-like (well I love him so who cares what you think about him? I know I don't) or not too chiseled like Taylor Lautner.
Hmmm...oh yes. Why I starts to talk about hunky guys today? haha. Well, I was browsing Youtube for the video of Jessie's Girl (this is all because of GLEE) and I came across the original singer (duh, of course) and I downloaded the video (it is difficult to shake off the pirate-downloading-habit) and decided to watch it later and I did. When I watch the video, I was like,
"Wow, hunky guy." (referring to Rick Springfield).
I mean he is now what? 58? and he looks exactly like his teen (only hotter when he is older). Like seriously. I think that the artists from my dad's age are still looking smokin' like they used to look like before. I mean, I keeps on looking back at their old pictures and they are handsome, even now. It feels weird liking them but come on, they are like real artists; they can still sing powerfully now, they haven't aged at all and they looks like in the prime age. It is almost not normal. The artists now are so lacking in that department. I mean, yes, they are way more talented. They come in great packages; handsome/pretty, can sing, compose, dance etc2 but they don't have that X-Factor that the old artists have. I mean come on, can you still remember some artists that debuted a few years back when they are now MIA? But amazingly, we can still remember the good old artists like The Beatles and even Elvis Presly! What did this guys/ people have that we, the younger generations don't have? But we still remember them and we know them although we never meet them, let alone live in their age.No wonder many young girls fall for the older man, they have their own charm. haha.
Oh, when did I starts talking about the quality of old and new generations and totally went off tracks from the 'Hunky Guys" discussion? haha.
Okay. In my POV, these are some of the still-smokin'-hunky dudes.
and then there is this guy:
here is another guy. Aged 42 but still lookin' good:
and I guess he should be in my list of hunky guys cause I love him a lot (he is 59 this year):
and yes, I do love him. haha.
Hunky guys are kinda hard to find. I mean, in my POV, hunky guys should have just-enough muscle on his body, not too big, not too small, not like Arnold-difficult-to-spell or skinny like the lead vocalist of Click Five (although he is kinda cute). Hunky guy's body should be just perfect; toned arms, broad chest and most importantly, not wearing skinny jeans (gosh, I hate men with skinny jeans but with exception if he looks totally hot in one =P). His face? Well I like to think that hunky dudes have this almost-cute-face, but not too Justin Bieber-like (well I love him so who cares what you think about him? I know I don't) or not too chiseled like Taylor Lautner.
Hmmm...oh yes. Why I starts to talk about hunky guys today? haha. Well, I was browsing Youtube for the video of Jessie's Girl (this is all because of GLEE) and I came across the original singer (duh, of course) and I downloaded the video (it is difficult to shake off the pirate-downloading-habit) and decided to watch it later and I did. When I watch the video, I was like,
"Wow, hunky guy." (referring to Rick Springfield).
I mean he is now what? 58? and he looks exactly like his teen (only hotter when he is older). Like seriously. I think that the artists from my dad's age are still looking smokin' like they used to look like before. I mean, I keeps on looking back at their old pictures and they are handsome, even now. It feels weird liking them but come on, they are like real artists; they can still sing powerfully now, they haven't aged at all and they looks like in the prime age. It is almost not normal. The artists now are so lacking in that department. I mean, yes, they are way more talented. They come in great packages; handsome/pretty, can sing, compose, dance etc2 but they don't have that X-Factor that the old artists have. I mean come on, can you still remember some artists that debuted a few years back when they are now MIA? But amazingly, we can still remember the good old artists like The Beatles and even Elvis Presly! What did this guys/ people have that we, the younger generations don't have? But we still remember them and we know them although we never meet them, let alone live in their age.No wonder many young girls fall for the older man, they have their own charm. haha.
Oh, when did I starts talking about the quality of old and new generations and totally went off tracks from the 'Hunky Guys" discussion? haha.
Okay. In my POV, these are some of the still-smokin'-hunky dudes.
Rick Springfield
and then there is this guy:
Peter Facinelli
(yes, he is not old, he is just 37 but he is hunky though)here is another guy. Aged 42 but still lookin' good:
Hugh Jackman
and I guess he should be in my list of hunky guys cause I love him a lot (he is 59 this year):
Mark Harmon
(now this is a real hunk =D)
and yes, I do love him. haha.
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Narnia: The Voyage of Dawn Treader
Dah janji nak tulis sal Narnia: The Voyage of Dawn Treader dalam entry yang lepas, jadi saya ingin mengotakan janji. hehe
So ratingnya...
Walaupun cerita dia x sama macam dalam buku (banyak juga perubahannya) namun cinematography memang cantik dan kalau tengok dalam 3D mesti lagi gempak. Ak bayangkan Eustace ni gemuk sket orangnya tapi budak yang berlakon watak tu memang perangai macam Eustace. Menyampah. Whiny betul. Aslan punya appearance x macam yang dibayangkan dalam buku. Sepatutnya si Caspian 2 kena marah dengan Aslan sbb nak ikut ke negara Aslan tapi nak wat drama kan, jadi dia cerita la cam kononnya si Caspian 2 orang yang noble sbb sanggup tinggal pengembaraan demi negara dia. Aku agak x puas ati dengan cara Caspian digambarkan. Dalam buku, Caspian ni muda skit dari Lucy tapi dalam filem dia ni lagi tua dari Susan. Memang saja nak buat drama. Adess. X pe la. Movie cantik walaupun ada bosan2 skit. Overall, okay la.
Dah janji nak tulis sal Narnia: The Voyage of Dawn Treader dalam entry yang lepas, jadi saya ingin mengotakan janji. hehe
So ratingnya...
Walaupun cerita dia x sama macam dalam buku (banyak juga perubahannya) namun cinematography memang cantik dan kalau tengok dalam 3D mesti lagi gempak. Ak bayangkan Eustace ni gemuk sket orangnya tapi budak yang berlakon watak tu memang perangai macam Eustace. Menyampah. Whiny betul. Aslan punya appearance x macam yang dibayangkan dalam buku. Sepatutnya si Caspian 2 kena marah dengan Aslan sbb nak ikut ke negara Aslan tapi nak wat drama kan, jadi dia cerita la cam kononnya si Caspian 2 orang yang noble sbb sanggup tinggal pengembaraan demi negara dia. Aku agak x puas ati dengan cara Caspian digambarkan. Dalam buku, Caspian ni muda skit dari Lucy tapi dalam filem dia ni lagi tua dari Susan. Memang saja nak buat drama. Adess. X pe la. Movie cantik walaupun ada bosan2 skit. Overall, okay la.
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Family Outing
dah berapa hari berjalan akhirnya balik umah gak. Jalan g Johor n Putrajaya. Watpa g. Tgk sedara ja. Nak jejalan tempat lain x tau jalan, t sesat. Haha... Haru kalau sesat t. Bising satu kereta bila sesat. Abah cepat panik, mak pulak...tau - tau je la.
Malas nak tulis tapi rasa nak update something.
Next entry: Narnia The Voyage of Dawn Trader
dah berapa hari berjalan akhirnya balik umah gak. Jalan g Johor n Putrajaya. Watpa g. Tgk sedara ja. Nak jejalan tempat lain x tau jalan, t sesat. Haha... Haru kalau sesat t. Bising satu kereta bila sesat. Abah cepat panik, mak pulak...tau - tau je la.
Malas nak tulis tapi rasa nak update something.
Next entry: Narnia The Voyage of Dawn Trader
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Ter...Lebih Emosi
Okay. I know that I shouldn't feel this way. It is not good, not good at all. Seriously. My emotion is off the grid right now. I never thought that I would love a group like this and believe me when I say I do know that I shouldn't feel this way. I should never be obsessed about things like this. It is just entertainment and believe me when I say that I tried to curb my feeling and I did tried to run away from this feeling but it is just not working. Please don't detox me from my current obsession. Yes, I am telling you this and you know who you are. For a while, just let me be okay?
Hmmm...JYJ...HoMin...they are killing me right now. Like seriously killing me. I am going almost nuts for them. Reading news about them brings me more pain than happiness. Why? Well, Cassies know the current situation of our beloved band now and things looks like hell now. I am happy for the success of JYJ and HoMin for their new album but it is heartbreaking not to see them as 5. I'm off the grid now because of SYC and the news about Jae's Nine song. OMG. That song is so sad. I feel a huge lump in my throat as I read the news.
Yes, we are still AKTF but the hope seems kinda distant now. I guess we all know that. I guess what A'an told me is kinda correct too. She told me that I am becoming more manic-fan than her but I think that I am more emotional towards them than being a fanatic. Okay. I am just rambling. Ignore me. T___T
Okay. I know that I shouldn't feel this way. It is not good, not good at all. Seriously. My emotion is off the grid right now. I never thought that I would love a group like this and believe me when I say I do know that I shouldn't feel this way. I should never be obsessed about things like this. It is just entertainment and believe me when I say that I tried to curb my feeling and I did tried to run away from this feeling but it is just not working. Please don't detox me from my current obsession. Yes, I am telling you this and you know who you are. For a while, just let me be okay?
Hmmm...JYJ...HoMin...they are killing me right now. Like seriously killing me. I am going almost nuts for them. Reading news about them brings me more pain than happiness. Why? Well, Cassies know the current situation of our beloved band now and things looks like hell now. I am happy for the success of JYJ and HoMin for their new album but it is heartbreaking not to see them as 5. I'm off the grid now because of SYC and the news about Jae's Nine song. OMG. That song is so sad. I feel a huge lump in my throat as I read the news.
Yes, we are still AKTF but the hope seems kinda distant now. I guess we all know that. I guess what A'an told me is kinda correct too. She told me that I am becoming more manic-fan than her but I think that I am more emotional towards them than being a fanatic. Okay. I am just rambling. Ignore me. T___T
Monday, November 29, 2010
Rapunzel: A Tangled Tale
So I promised that I will post an entry about Rapunzel's movie so I am fulfilling my promise now. But before I starts to blab about everything, let me entertain you with some pictures from the movie.
Okay...1st thing 1st. Rating...
*drum roll*
Yup...I'm giving it an A. Why? Cause I super love it! It is the best, funniest, most beautiful cartoon from Disney that I have ever watched before. See it in 3D and you will really fall for this movie. Seriously. I absolutely love Rapunzel's hair. Disney made it looked so soft, shiny and seriously real. Gosh. It makes me feel like reaching out and touching it myself. hehe. And Flynn Rider or Eugene (his real name) is hilarious. I cannot write how much I really love this movie but yeah, I am super ecstatic about it. Please go ahead and watch it in 3D for best result.
So I promised that I will post an entry about Rapunzel's movie so I am fulfilling my promise now. But before I starts to blab about everything, let me entertain you with some pictures from the movie.
Okay...1st thing 1st. Rating...
*drum roll*
Yup...I'm giving it an A. Why? Cause I super love it! It is the best, funniest, most beautiful cartoon from Disney that I have ever watched before. See it in 3D and you will really fall for this movie. Seriously. I absolutely love Rapunzel's hair. Disney made it looked so soft, shiny and seriously real. Gosh. It makes me feel like reaching out and touching it myself. hehe. And Flynn Rider or Eugene (his real name) is hilarious. I cannot write how much I really love this movie but yeah, I am super ecstatic about it. Please go ahead and watch it in 3D for best result.
Saturday, November 27, 2010
1st Time...accident
Dalam hidup ni kita mesti akan ada 1st time utk semuanya. My 1st time for this time accident. hoho
Okay...Cerita dia camni. Masa 2 kami (ak, A'an, Ain dan Gola) otw nak ke Sg Nibong utk antar A'an naik bas selepas penat berfoya2 d Queensbay Mall. Sbb dah terlepas satu simpang ke tempat bas 2, jadi kami berpusing la sekejap cari tmpat wat u-turn. Sumpah ak cakap masa ak wat u-turn, ak mmg x nampak kereta lain masa 2. Jalan mmg clear. Smua dalam kereta x nampak kereta Honda 2. Kalau ak sorang je x nampak x pe r, masalahnya smua x nampak kereta 2. Tiba2 je dia ada. Apa2 pun, masa ak nak pusing wat u-turn, tiba2 kami dengar orang hon kereta dan ak cuma smpat tekan brek sekuat ati sblum...
dah x smpat. Ak terlanggar gak belakang kereta 2. Masa 2 Gola jerit, A'an gelabah, Ain diam dan ak...sangat tenang. Betul ak cakap. X tipu. Kalau x caya tanya A'an, Gola n Ain. A'an dah cam, "Farah...Farah...". Jadi ak habiskan jugak pusingan 2 dan berhenti d tepi jalan. Pemilik kereta 2 dah berhenti dekat tgh jalan.
Kalau org 2 dah berhenti tgh jalan maknanya dia marah. Tapi ak x tahu kenapa masa 2 ak mmg tenang. Ak cuma fikir, "Okay...1st time langgar kereta org. Akhirnya dah jadi."
Jadi ak pegi dekat akak 2 dan minta maaf kat dia sblum tgk kereta dia. Ak rasa sbb ak yang g tegur dia elok2 dan minta maaf, jadi dia x jadi marah. Kereta dia x rosak pun, calar je dari pintu belakang kereta sampai ke belakang kereta. Satu garisan panjang. Yang nampak teruk adalah rim kereta dia yang nampak banyak calarnya. Kereta ak? Apa nak harap, Kancil lawan Honda...msti la Honda menang. Cermin utk signal kanan pecah, cat abes chipping kat depan bumper. Tapi 2 je r.
Rupanya akak 2 pun nak g Sg Nibong gak, antar adik dia balik. Jadi dia ajak g jumpa suami dia tnya camne nak selesai kejadian 2. Ak ikot je, nak dijadikan cerita, adik dan kawan2 adik dia 2 pelajar USM jugak. Dan A'an smua kenal budak2 2...X pe la. 2 side story je.
Husband akak 2 x happy sal accident 2 sbb katanya dia penat kerja, kereta 2 baru dicat semula dan kereta 2 nak dijual. Sbb x mau wat report polis jadi katanya esok akan selesaikan. Katanya dia akan bwk kereta 2 ke bengkel utk tgk berapa kena bayar.
Pas 2 ak antar A'an dan malam 2 call ayah ak gtau sal accident dan call angah ak supaya esok x kena rip off dgn couple 2.
Akak 2 call ak n nak jumpa at 9.30 a.m. My dad call n kata nak ikut jugak. So dipendekkan cerita, bwk kereta 2 ke Old Coaster Road d mana uncle kedai 2 kata calar 2 leh hilang dengtan polish je. Dia polish kereta 2 dan wallah! Kejadian semalam cam x penah berlaku kecuali calar d rim kereta. Akak 2 x puas ati dan ckp kereta 2 dented sket dan asyik sentuh kereta dia. Katanya nampak sgt dent 2 yang mana ak rasa x nampak pun. Dia call husband dia dan hubby dia datang dan insisted on the dent yang mana uncle 2 x ambil pot sbb dia kata sikit je. Husband dia kata nak cat balik. Masa 2 muka ayah ak dah kelat. Mana x nya, gla kot, kemek gle kecik, tp nak cat balik kereta 2. Masa 2 ak pun dah sakit ati. Nampak cam baik tapi rupanya nak rip off orang jugak. Nampak sgt muka dia x puas ati bila uncle 2 kata x yah cat sbb kecik sgt dent 2.
Pas 2 dia bwk g sati lagi kedai d mana org 2 kata leh cat balik dan kena bayar RM80. Ayah ak nego dan last skali bayar RM60. Dia gtau ayah ak yang dia nak jual kereta 2, jadi dia x nak r pembeli 2 nampak dent yang teramatlah kecik 2. Yang peliknya, rim dia yang gle calar dan sangatla obvious scratch 2 dia x nak wat papa lak sal 2. Entah la. Ak x faham motif dia.
Okay. 2 la pengalaman kali pertama ak...
Next entry, nak cita sal Rapunzel: The Tangled Tale yang ak dah tgk 2 kali dan still nak tgk lagi. V(^_^)V
Dalam hidup ni kita mesti akan ada 1st time utk semuanya. My 1st time for this time accident. hoho
Masa: 9.40 p.m (ak tgk masa time 2)
Tarikh: 26 November 2010
Hari: Jumaat
Tempat: Penang, somewhere around / near Sg. Nibong
Kenderaan: Kancil vs Honda
Okay...Cerita dia camni. Masa 2 kami (ak, A'an, Ain dan Gola) otw nak ke Sg Nibong utk antar A'an naik bas selepas penat berfoya2 d Queensbay Mall. Sbb dah terlepas satu simpang ke tempat bas 2, jadi kami berpusing la sekejap cari tmpat wat u-turn. Sumpah ak cakap masa ak wat u-turn, ak mmg x nampak kereta lain masa 2. Jalan mmg clear. Smua dalam kereta x nampak kereta Honda 2. Kalau ak sorang je x nampak x pe r, masalahnya smua x nampak kereta 2. Tiba2 je dia ada. Apa2 pun, masa ak nak pusing wat u-turn, tiba2 kami dengar orang hon kereta dan ak cuma smpat tekan brek sekuat ati sblum...
dah x smpat. Ak terlanggar gak belakang kereta 2. Masa 2 Gola jerit, A'an gelabah, Ain diam dan ak...sangat tenang. Betul ak cakap. X tipu. Kalau x caya tanya A'an, Gola n Ain. A'an dah cam, "Farah...Farah...". Jadi ak habiskan jugak pusingan 2 dan berhenti d tepi jalan. Pemilik kereta 2 dah berhenti dekat tgh jalan.
Kalau org 2 dah berhenti tgh jalan maknanya dia marah. Tapi ak x tahu kenapa masa 2 ak mmg tenang. Ak cuma fikir, "Okay...1st time langgar kereta org. Akhirnya dah jadi."
Jadi ak pegi dekat akak 2 dan minta maaf kat dia sblum tgk kereta dia. Ak rasa sbb ak yang g tegur dia elok2 dan minta maaf, jadi dia x jadi marah. Kereta dia x rosak pun, calar je dari pintu belakang kereta sampai ke belakang kereta. Satu garisan panjang. Yang nampak teruk adalah rim kereta dia yang nampak banyak calarnya. Kereta ak? Apa nak harap, Kancil lawan Honda...msti la Honda menang. Cermin utk signal kanan pecah, cat abes chipping kat depan bumper. Tapi 2 je r.
Rupanya akak 2 pun nak g Sg Nibong gak, antar adik dia balik. Jadi dia ajak g jumpa suami dia tnya camne nak selesai kejadian 2. Ak ikot je, nak dijadikan cerita, adik dan kawan2 adik dia 2 pelajar USM jugak. Dan A'an smua kenal budak2 2...X pe la. 2 side story je.
Husband akak 2 x happy sal accident 2 sbb katanya dia penat kerja, kereta 2 baru dicat semula dan kereta 2 nak dijual. Sbb x mau wat report polis jadi katanya esok akan selesaikan. Katanya dia akan bwk kereta 2 ke bengkel utk tgk berapa kena bayar.
Pas 2 ak antar A'an dan malam 2 call ayah ak gtau sal accident dan call angah ak supaya esok x kena rip off dgn couple 2.
Akak 2 call ak n nak jumpa at 9.30 a.m. My dad call n kata nak ikut jugak. So dipendekkan cerita, bwk kereta 2 ke Old Coaster Road d mana uncle kedai 2 kata calar 2 leh hilang dengtan polish je. Dia polish kereta 2 dan wallah! Kejadian semalam cam x penah berlaku kecuali calar d rim kereta. Akak 2 x puas ati dan ckp kereta 2 dented sket dan asyik sentuh kereta dia. Katanya nampak sgt dent 2 yang mana ak rasa x nampak pun. Dia call husband dia dan hubby dia datang dan insisted on the dent yang mana uncle 2 x ambil pot sbb dia kata sikit je. Husband dia kata nak cat balik. Masa 2 muka ayah ak dah kelat. Mana x nya, gla kot, kemek gle kecik, tp nak cat balik kereta 2. Masa 2 ak pun dah sakit ati. Nampak cam baik tapi rupanya nak rip off orang jugak. Nampak sgt muka dia x puas ati bila uncle 2 kata x yah cat sbb kecik sgt dent 2.
Pas 2 dia bwk g sati lagi kedai d mana org 2 kata leh cat balik dan kena bayar RM80. Ayah ak nego dan last skali bayar RM60. Dia gtau ayah ak yang dia nak jual kereta 2, jadi dia x nak r pembeli 2 nampak dent yang teramatlah kecik 2. Yang peliknya, rim dia yang gle calar dan sangatla obvious scratch 2 dia x nak wat papa lak sal 2. Entah la. Ak x faham motif dia.
Okay. 2 la pengalaman kali pertama ak...
Next entry, nak cita sal Rapunzel: The Tangled Tale yang ak dah tgk 2 kali dan still nak tgk lagi. V(^_^)V
Monday, November 22, 2010
Silence is Loud
I am not supposed to be online now.
There is nothing in my head.
There is just some silence.
All I know now is that I miss you and THEM.
P/S: I know that the pictures are super big but my blog design will make all pictures look weird and distorted if I did not put it on original size. So bear with it. @_@
I am not supposed to be online now.
There is nothing in my head.
There is just some silence.
All I know now is that I miss you and THEM.
P/S: I know that the pictures are super big but my blog design will make all pictures look weird and distorted if I did not put it on original size. So bear with it. @_@
Saturday, November 20, 2010
Harry Potter Part 1: The Verdict
and the verdict is...
*Drum rolls*
Reason: I deducted some marks cause I really HATE Dumbledore and Dobby's final resting place. Comment me when you guys watched the movie.
Friday, November 19, 2010
Harry Potter: The Deathly Hallow Part 1
Attention: Mr Nabil, I will go to see the movie tomorrow for sure =P
(I wish that there are still some tickets left) T__T
I am anticipating this movie cause the trailer looked so...amazing? But I have some skeptical feeling bout this movie and I hope it won't end up like HP 3: The Prisoner of Azkaban which I consider as a huge flop. Honestly, I think that Christopher Columbus is the only director in existence that could make Harry Potter to look like a magical world instead of some cheap-too-dark-to-see-almost-horror-like-crappy-movie. Other directors for HP? I'm sorry but so far, I haven't like them at all. My heart is set for CC.
When I first watched the movie, it kinda transformed my life completely. It literally changed my life. I never felt so obsessed with one thing and HP kinda possessed me at that time. It still do now. But the 3rd movie dampened my mood to watch the movie and I stopped anticipating new movies after that. Truthfully, after 3rd movie, I only bought the DVD and watched it at home and never go to the cinema to watch it. That is because I know that I will be disappointed with the story (and I do not mean JK's books but I am talking bout the movies).
Therefore, I seriously hope that the new movie will capture the essence of the book and bring it to the audience.
Attention: Mr Nabil, I will go to see the movie tomorrow for sure =P
(I wish that there are still some tickets left) T__T
I am anticipating this movie cause the trailer looked so...amazing? But I have some skeptical feeling bout this movie and I hope it won't end up like HP 3: The Prisoner of Azkaban which I consider as a huge flop. Honestly, I think that Christopher Columbus is the only director in existence that could make Harry Potter to look like a magical world instead of some cheap-too-dark-to-see-almost-horror-like-crappy-movie. Other directors for HP? I'm sorry but so far, I haven't like them at all. My heart is set for CC.
When I first watched the movie, it kinda transformed my life completely. It literally changed my life. I never felt so obsessed with one thing and HP kinda possessed me at that time. It still do now. But the 3rd movie dampened my mood to watch the movie and I stopped anticipating new movies after that. Truthfully, after 3rd movie, I only bought the DVD and watched it at home and never go to the cinema to watch it. That is because I know that I will be disappointed with the story (and I do not mean JK's books but I am talking bout the movies).
Therefore, I seriously hope that the new movie will capture the essence of the book and bring it to the audience.
![]() |
I love this picture. LOL =D |
Monday, November 15, 2010
lama gila x update blog... >_<
Bersawang dah... =D
Jadi sebelum Raya Aidil Adha esok, nak jugak la update satu post...
Sblum 2 nak bising jap sal perkembangan selepas blog terakhir yang berabad lamanya... haha
Ak kerja r...cepat gle kerja. X smpai dua minggu balik NZ dah kerja. Sbnarnya ok gak kerja cuma sometimes rasa malas nak bangun pagi...haha...biasa r 2.
Kerja apa? Jadi akak koop (koperasi) sekolah mak aku...tolong cikgu sekolah sekejap. Cian sbb x de org nak tolong. Cikgu kerja menimbun ha...Jadi ak pun g r tolong..dapat gaji n elaun poket dari mak gak...haha...bonus2... \(^0^)/
Sbb skrg dah cuti sekolah, jadi kerja ak dah abes...lega pun ada...aiyooo...budak2 2 mmg menaikkan darah ak...yg adorable byk, yg cam devil's spawns pun byk (oh yes...plural ye...bukan singular...spawnS) @_@
Sangat la tension bila kerja, esp bila cuaca panas dah dak2 2 makin memanaskan ak...sabar je r...
2 je r...
Tapi bila ak kerja, A'an bising la jugak...katanya susah nak jumpa t...owh so sweet...hahahahaha
Sepanjang cuti ni asyik berjumpa org ja...smpai rasa nak split diri jadi berpuluh2...kena menuntut kat naruto ni.haha...
"Naruto, ajarkan saya kagebushi no jutsu. ^_^"
X smpat nak bermanja2 dgn Irfan sbb mama dia ada d Perlis...jauh woo...adess...
Irfan, mak lang rindu r...Rindu kat mata bulat dan senyuman menggoda 2... haha
Owh...I really miss everybody... When I say everybody, I mean EVERYBODY...gosh...really miss you guys.
Ok r...
Hmmm...A'an msti suka kan gambar lembu ni? haha
Selamat Menyambut Aidil Adha semua =)
lama gila x update blog... >_<
Bersawang dah... =D
Jadi sebelum Raya Aidil Adha esok, nak jugak la update satu post...
Sblum 2 nak bising jap sal perkembangan selepas blog terakhir yang berabad lamanya... haha
Ak kerja r...cepat gle kerja. X smpai dua minggu balik NZ dah kerja. Sbnarnya ok gak kerja cuma sometimes rasa malas nak bangun pagi...haha...biasa r 2.
Kerja apa? Jadi akak koop (koperasi) sekolah mak aku...tolong cikgu sekolah sekejap. Cian sbb x de org nak tolong. Cikgu kerja menimbun ha...Jadi ak pun g r tolong..dapat gaji n elaun poket dari mak gak...haha...bonus2... \(^0^)/
Sbb skrg dah cuti sekolah, jadi kerja ak dah abes...lega pun ada...aiyooo...budak2 2 mmg menaikkan darah ak...yg adorable byk, yg cam devil's spawns pun byk (oh yes...plural ye...bukan singular...spawnS) @_@
Sangat la tension bila kerja, esp bila cuaca panas dah dak2 2 makin memanaskan ak...sabar je r...
2 je r...
Tapi bila ak kerja, A'an bising la jugak...katanya susah nak jumpa t...owh so sweet...hahahahaha
Sepanjang cuti ni asyik berjumpa org ja...smpai rasa nak split diri jadi berpuluh2...kena menuntut kat naruto ni.haha...
"Naruto, ajarkan saya kagebushi no jutsu. ^_^"
X smpat nak bermanja2 dgn Irfan sbb mama dia ada d Perlis...jauh woo...adess...
Irfan, mak lang rindu r...Rindu kat mata bulat dan senyuman menggoda 2... haha
Owh...I really miss everybody... When I say everybody, I mean EVERYBODY...gosh...really miss you guys.
Ok r...
Hmmm...A'an msti suka kan gambar lembu ni? haha
Selamat Menyambut Aidil Adha semua =)
Thursday, October 28, 2010
171010 Malaysian Red Ocean
OMG! Did yesterday just happened? I did not believe that it did...OMG....OMG...I am still numbed and I still can't believe that I went to the event yesterday...It is surreal...I feel like I am still dreaming and that what I saw yesterday was like indescribable...(I am having mixed feeling now so just ignore me for a while...hehe...)
There are knots in my stomach now...butterflies roaming free, my head is buzzing, my heart feels like it is going to jump out from my chest and I am kinda intoxicated right now...But then again, 1 hour is not enough...1 hour...gaah~ I want more!!!
First I would like to ramble about my journey to come back from NZ to Malaysia. It was a long journey and it took nearly 1 day from NZ to KL. aish~ The bag was heavy and I was alone and it was boring but I spent my time reading Brisingr...okay...full-stop.hehe
The day finally arrive. They are finally coming back to Malaysia (even not as whole). My feeling? I am numb. I am so excited. I am nervous. There are so many feelings with me and I can't really describe how I feel right now. Okay...this is the time-frame for us on the way (otw) to the stadium until the event ended.
0900 am : waiting at Putrajaya Central to go to KL Central
0930 am : arrived at KL Central and otw to Hang Tuah
0950 am: arrived at Hang Tuah station and wait there for the event's tickets.
There are so many Cassie passing through us to go to the stadium while we waited patiently (or rather gloomily) at the station. Then we decided to act as 'tour-guide' to the Cassie cause they seemed unsure of the correct way to go to the stadium.
01200 pm (think so): finally! the tickets! we waited there for hours... but it worth it. (although we get pissed off at the person cause she is the reason that we missed to buy the premium album T__T) haha
1240 pm: arrived at the stadium. so MANY cassies~
I didn't get to buy the premium album...gosh~I hate not being able to buy the album...aish~
0100 pm: still waiting to get in. the Redstars sucks. how could they let us all waited in wet (sweats + rain!)
poor we... but alas, for JYJ it's okay lah~
At first it was so extremely hot and all Cassie are seeking for shelter almost under anything. Most Cassie brought umbrellas along with them so indirectly, many of us shared. It almost feel like family there. The salespersons are taking chances due to the hot weather and started selling drinking water for RM2 each which Cassie bought cause if you left, then other people will be filling in the spot. Plus, it was hard enough to squeeze in the line and then to actually squeeze your way out? I don't think so...We waited for nearly 2 hours plus under this weather and many of us started to feel uncomfortable. Even I feel like fainting cause it is simply too HOT. Than around 2PM Cassie started chanting "Open Up" to RedStar staff that died almost instantly as it started. haha...I mean Cassies do want to get in but no one wants to waste their energy and voice screaming at the staffs to open the gate to get in the stadium. Therefore, there are constant on and off of the chants "open up" that did not give any impact or whatsoever. Things heated up even more when we heard the boys testing the equipments in the stadium and everybody froze to their spot before ear-splitting-deafening-crazy-screams were issued by Cassie.
Then, the staffs finally opened A DOOR (entrance) to the stadium. It is just ONE door for almost 1K audience at the Rock Zone. 1 fricking door. So Cassie started chanting again and people were getting impatient cause we can hear the sound of music playing in the stadium and constant screaming from people inside the stadium (from different seating).
Suddenly, just as everybody is grumbling and finally realizing that the show will start at 3PM although the ticket says it is at 2PM, the sky darkened and all of a sudden, it rained. It did not drizzle or anything but it goes straight to cats and dogs. Cassies are screaming and pushing to get in. People are soaking wet within minutes but still, the staffs refused to let Cassie in. So people were screaming with anger cause everyone is drenched and the posters and merchandises and even the tickets get wet and WE got squashed too.
So everyone started pushing and screaming and RELA and the staffs were screaming too...the difference is we were screaming, "Let us in!!" and "Stop checking!" and "Open more door!" and "We are freaking wet!" but the staffs and RE:LA were screaming "Don't push!", "Stop pushing!", "Ey you, don't push!".
But finally they give in and stopped cheking and let people in the stadium. We all looked like drowned kitten and my poster...aish~ *sigh*
But I guess that when we get in the stadium, we kinda forgot that we are wet and angry and still angry...haha...the atmosphere was different. It was solemn but it was almost euphoric. But I think it is more like everyone is holding their breath and waiting for the bubbles to burst and all the joy will be filled in the stadium.
0300 pm: the event we're waiting for...
I was still stunned when suddenly their faces appeared on the screen and I was still fumbling with the camera before I realized that I missed Jae's face...aish~what to do...I was ogling at them and I forgot...haha
Then they feels surreal. Really it does. I feel like I am dreaming and it feels like I am actually sitting in front of my lappy and watching the show. Then cameras started clicking and photographers and cameramen started moving to take pictures of them.... =)
YunJae sign.LOL. I wonder what Jae think when he saw that sign. Was he amused? Sad? I guess we will never know about that eh?
The tracklists were:
1. Empty
2. Be The One
3. Ayy Girl
4. Chajatda
5. Empty (remix)
(I think I got it right or I might not cause it feels like a dream...). They sounded exactly like in the album...perfect but better live. They didn't falter, slip a note or even break a sweat (figuratively speaking) while singing and Yoochun sounded husk and sleeky, Jae sounded like an angel and Junsu's voice is...(I can't even describe it...) They sounded rich (but imperfect cause only 5 can make it as 1).
During the interview, only Yoochun talked cause of course, he understands English better than the two. I seriously wish that they can speak in English cause it is like a huge barrier between the fans. I felt like alien and I know that they too feel the same. Therefore it didn't sound natural and they can't seem to enjoy themselves and I think that was bit of drawback for the events. Fans only screamed and replied to Yoochun cause we understand each other but as for the two's, I feel like we are actually cheering for the translator cause only after she finished translating, then we will cheer for the answer. Hope that the twos can learn English somehow but they are amazing just the way they are. AKTF
0400 pm: it's over (T_T) the time flies! i want more!!!
Seriously...when they went out from the stage, all Cassie are still waiting and did not move from their seat. The suddenly the announcer announced that the show has ended and everyone is still blur and still seat on the chair. I mean, even though I am dazed by their performance but seriously, I did not hear them say "Thank you" or bow their head or something which kinda hurt me a bit. Just a tiny teenist bit but it still hurt.
Aah~there goes all the rants for JYJ post. I will update the videos that I took in (maybe) the next entry.
that's all for JYJ showcase...
P/S: God, it took me a week after the event to actually upload this. *sigh*
p/s: quarter of it is written by Intan Suraya (^,^) haha
(bear in mind that this is an outdated post...didn't have time to finish editing it...sorry)
OMG! Did yesterday just happened? I did not believe that it did...OMG....OMG...I am still numbed and I still can't believe that I went to the event yesterday...It is surreal...I feel like I am still dreaming and that what I saw yesterday was like indescribable...(I am having mixed feeling now so just ignore me for a while...hehe...)
There are knots in my stomach now...butterflies roaming free, my head is buzzing, my heart feels like it is going to jump out from my chest and I am kinda intoxicated right now...But then again, 1 hour is not enough...1 hour...gaah~ I want more!!!
First I would like to ramble about my journey to come back from NZ to Malaysia. It was a long journey and it took nearly 1 day from NZ to KL. aish~ The bag was heavy and I was alone and it was boring but I spent my time reading Brisingr...okay...full-stop.hehe
Date: 17th October 2010
Time: 3.00pm - 4.00pm (Malaysian time)
Venue: Stadium Negara, Kuala Lumpur
Event: JYJ 'The Beginning World Wide Showcase
The day finally arrive. They are finally coming back to Malaysia (even not as whole). My feeling? I am numb. I am so excited. I am nervous. There are so many feelings with me and I can't really describe how I feel right now. Okay...this is the time-frame for us on the way (otw) to the stadium until the event ended.
0900 am : waiting at Putrajaya Central to go to KL Central
0930 am : arrived at KL Central and otw to Hang Tuah
0950 am: arrived at Hang Tuah station and wait there for the event's tickets.
There are so many Cassie passing through us to go to the stadium while we waited patiently (or rather gloomily) at the station. Then we decided to act as 'tour-guide' to the Cassie cause they seemed unsure of the correct way to go to the stadium.
01200 pm (think so): finally! the tickets! we waited there for hours... but it worth it. (although we get pissed off at the person cause she is the reason that we missed to buy the premium album T__T) haha
1240 pm: arrived at the stadium. so MANY cassies~
I didn't get to buy the premium album...gosh~I hate not being able to buy the album...aish~
0100 pm: still waiting to get in. the Redstars sucks. how could they let us all waited in wet (sweats + rain!)
poor we... but alas, for JYJ it's okay lah~
At first it was so extremely hot and all Cassie are seeking for shelter almost under anything. Most Cassie brought umbrellas along with them so indirectly, many of us shared. It almost feel like family there. The salespersons are taking chances due to the hot weather and started selling drinking water for RM2 each which Cassie bought cause if you left, then other people will be filling in the spot. Plus, it was hard enough to squeeze in the line and then to actually squeeze your way out? I don't think so...We waited for nearly 2 hours plus under this weather and many of us started to feel uncomfortable. Even I feel like fainting cause it is simply too HOT. Than around 2PM Cassie started chanting "Open Up" to RedStar staff that died almost instantly as it started. haha...I mean Cassies do want to get in but no one wants to waste their energy and voice screaming at the staffs to open the gate to get in the stadium. Therefore, there are constant on and off of the chants "open up" that did not give any impact or whatsoever. Things heated up even more when we heard the boys testing the equipments in the stadium and everybody froze to their spot before ear-splitting-deafening-crazy-screams were issued by Cassie.
Then, the staffs finally opened A DOOR (entrance) to the stadium. It is just ONE door for almost 1K audience at the Rock Zone. 1 fricking door. So Cassie started chanting again and people were getting impatient cause we can hear the sound of music playing in the stadium and constant screaming from people inside the stadium (from different seating).
Suddenly, just as everybody is grumbling and finally realizing that the show will start at 3PM although the ticket says it is at 2PM, the sky darkened and all of a sudden, it rained. It did not drizzle or anything but it goes straight to cats and dogs. Cassies are screaming and pushing to get in. People are soaking wet within minutes but still, the staffs refused to let Cassie in. So people were screaming with anger cause everyone is drenched and the posters and merchandises and even the tickets get wet and WE got squashed too.
So everyone started pushing and screaming and RELA and the staffs were screaming too...the difference is we were screaming, "Let us in!!" and "Stop checking!" and "Open more door!" and "We are freaking wet!" but the staffs and RE:LA were screaming "Don't push!", "Stop pushing!", "Ey you, don't push!".
But finally they give in and stopped cheking and let people in the stadium. We all looked like drowned kitten and my poster...aish~ *sigh*
But I guess that when we get in the stadium, we kinda forgot that we are wet and angry and still angry...haha...the atmosphere was different. It was solemn but it was almost euphoric. But I think it is more like everyone is holding their breath and waiting for the bubbles to burst and all the joy will be filled in the stadium.
0300 pm: the event we're waiting for...
I was still stunned when suddenly their faces appeared on the screen and I was still fumbling with the camera before I realized that I missed Jae's face...aish~what to do...I was ogling at them and I forgot...haha
Then they feels surreal. Really it does. I feel like I am dreaming and it feels like I am actually sitting in front of my lappy and watching the show. Then cameras started clicking and photographers and cameramen started moving to take pictures of them.... =)
YunJae sign.LOL. I wonder what Jae think when he saw that sign. Was he amused? Sad? I guess we will never know about that eh?
The tracklists were:
1. Empty
2. Be The One
3. Ayy Girl
4. Chajatda
5. Empty (remix)
(I think I got it right or I might not cause it feels like a dream...). They sounded exactly like in the album...perfect but better live. They didn't falter, slip a note or even break a sweat (figuratively speaking) while singing and Yoochun sounded husk and sleeky, Jae sounded like an angel and Junsu's voice is...(I can't even describe it...) They sounded rich (but imperfect cause only 5 can make it as 1).
During the interview, only Yoochun talked cause of course, he understands English better than the two. I seriously wish that they can speak in English cause it is like a huge barrier between the fans. I felt like alien and I know that they too feel the same. Therefore it didn't sound natural and they can't seem to enjoy themselves and I think that was bit of drawback for the events. Fans only screamed and replied to Yoochun cause we understand each other but as for the two's, I feel like we are actually cheering for the translator cause only after she finished translating, then we will cheer for the answer. Hope that the twos can learn English somehow but they are amazing just the way they are. AKTF
0400 pm: it's over (T_T) the time flies! i want more!!!
Seriously...when they went out from the stage, all Cassie are still waiting and did not move from their seat. The suddenly the announcer announced that the show has ended and everyone is still blur and still seat on the chair. I mean, even though I am dazed by their performance but seriously, I did not hear them say "Thank you" or bow their head or something which kinda hurt me a bit. Just a tiny teenist bit but it still hurt.
Aah~there goes all the rants for JYJ post. I will update the videos that I took in (maybe) the next entry.
that's all for JYJ showcase...
P/S: God, it took me a week after the event to actually upload this. *sigh*
p/s: quarter of it is written by Intan Suraya (^,^) haha
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